function DYCOMSAnalysis::init, epsfilename=epsfilename return, 1 end pro DYCOMSAnalaysis::cleanup end function DYCOMSAnalysis::GetCCNData, info, counter = counter startl = float(info.start_hh*1E4) + info.start_min*1E2 + info.start_sec endl = float( info.end_hh*1E4) + info.end_min*1E2 + info.end_sec fptr = 1 str = ' ' iostr = fltarr(17) ioarr1 = fltarr(1000) ioarr2 = fltarr(1000) ioarr3 = fltarr(1000) ioarr4 = fltarr(1000) case counter of '108' : openr, fptr, info.filename108 '104' : openr, fptr, info.filename104 else : print, 'Invalid counter' endcase for i = 0,2 do readf, fptr, str n = 0 while not eof(fptr) do begin readf, fptr, iostr if startl lt iostr(2) and endl gt iostr(2) then begin ioarr1(n) = iostr(14) ; CN concentration ioarr2(n) = iostr(8) ; CCN supersaturation ioarr3(n) = iostr(9) ; CCN concentration ioarr4(n) = iostr(2) ; time stamp n = n + 1 endif endwhile close, fptr cn = ioarr1(0:n-1) ss = ioarr2(0:n-1) nconc = ioarr3(0:n-1) ti = ioarr4(0:n-1) ccn_data = { nconc:nconc, ss:ss, ti:ti, cn:cn} return, ptr_new(ccn_data) end function DYCOMSAnalysis::GetScalar, info, names = names fptr = ncdf_open(info.datafile, /nowrite) timeid = ncdf_dimid(fptr, 'Time') ncdf_diminq, fptr, timeid, name, time ncdf_varget, fptr, 'HOUR', hour ncdf_varget, fptr, 'MINUTE', minute ncdf_varget, fptr, 'SECOND', second ncdf_varget, fptr, 'time_offset', tsec startl = info.start_hh*long(60)*long(60) + info.start_min*long(60) + info.start_sec endl = info.end_hh*long(60)*long(60) + info.end_min*long(60) + info.end_sec start_flight = hour(0)*long(60)^2+minute(0)*60^1+second(0)*60^0 tptr = startl-start_flight length = endl-startl data = fltarr(n_elements(names),length+1) for i = 1, n_elements(names) do begin ncdf_varget, fptr, names[i-1], variable if names[i-1] eq 'time_offset' then $ variable = variable + start_flight data[i-1,0:length] = variable[tptr:tptr+length] endfor ncdf_close, fptr return, ptr_new(data) end function DYCOMSAnalysis::GetNameStructure, info fptr = ncdf_open(info.datafile, /nowrite) timeid = ncdf_dimid(fptr, 'Time') ncdf_diminq, fptr, timeid, name, time ncdf_varget, fptr, 'HOUR', hour ncdf_varget, fptr, 'MINUTE', minute ncdf_varget, fptr, 'SECOND', second ncdf_varget, fptr, 'time_offset', tsec startl = info.start_hh*long(60)*long(60) + info.start_min*long(60) + $ info.start_sec endl = info.end_hh*long(60)*long(60) + info.end_min*long(60) + info.end_sec start_flight = hour(0)*long(60)^2+minute(0)*60^1+second(0)*60^0 tptr = startl-start_flight length = endl-startl ncdf_varget, fptr, 'time_offset', tsec tsec = tsec + start_flight ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CONCP_RPO', c_pcasp ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CS200_RPO', s_pcasp s_pcasp = reform(s_pcasp) for i = 0L, n_elements(c_pcasp)-1 do c_pcasp[i] = total(s_pcasp[2:*,i]) if ncdf_varid(fptr, 'CONCF_LPI') ne -1 then begin ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CONCF_LPI', c_fssp100 ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CS100_LPI', s_fssp100 s_fssp100 = reform(s_fssp100) ncdf_varget, fptr, 'PLWCF_LPI', f100lwc ncdf_varget, fptr, 'DBARF_LPI', f100mpd endif else begin c_fssp100 = c_pcasp & s_fssp100 = s_pcasp c_fssp100[*] = 0 & s_fssp100[*,*] = 0 f100lwc = c_pcasp & f100mpd = c_pcasp f100lwc[*] = 0 & f100mpd[*] = 0 endelse ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CONC3_RPC', c_fssp300 ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CS300_RPC', s_fssp300 s_fssp300 = reform(s_fssp300) if ncdf_varid(fptr, 'CONC2DC_RWI2') ne -1 then $ ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CONC2DC_RWI2', c_2DC else $ c_2DC = fltarr(n_elements(c_pcasp)) if ncdf_varid(fptr, 'C2DC_RWI2') ne -1 then begin ncdf_varget, fptr, 'C2DC_RWI2', s_2DC s_2DC = reform(s_2DC) endif else s_2DC = fltarr(64, n_elements(c_pcasp)) ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CONC6_RWO', c_260X ncdf_varget, fptr, 'C260X_RWO', s_260X s_260X = reform(s_260X) ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CONCN', c_cn ncdf_varget, fptr, 'ALTX', z ncdf_varget, fptr, 'GLON', glon ncdf_varget, fptr, 'GLAT', glat ncdf_varget, fptr, 'LON', lon ncdf_varget, fptr, 'LAT', lat ; the wind components ncdf_varget, fptr, 'UIC', uic ncdf_varget, fptr, 'VIC', vic ncdf_varget, fptr, 'WIC', wic ncdf_varget, fptr, 'WSC', wsc ncdf_varget, fptr, 'THDG', thdg ncdf_varget, fptr, 'ATX', atx ncdf_varget, fptr, 'RHUM', rhum ncdf_varget, fptr, 'WI', w ncdf_varget, fptr, 'XGLWC', glwc if ncdf_varid(fptr, 'XGSFC') ne -1 then ncdf_varget, fptr, 'XGSFC',gsfc else $ gsfc = fltarr(n_elements(c_pcasp)) if ncdf_varid(fptr, 'XGRFF') ne -1 then ncdf_varget, fptr, 'XGRFF',geff else $ geff = fltarr(n_elements(c_pcasp)) ncdf_varget, fptr, 'THETA', theta ncdf_varget, fptr, 'THETAE', thetae ncdf_varget, fptr, 'WDC', wdc ncdf_varget, fptr, 'MR', r ncdf_varget, fptr, 'PLWCC', klwc ;ncdf_varget, fptr, 'PLWCC1', klwc1 klwc1 = klwc ncdf_varget, fptr, 'PSXC', p ; Gerber Cloud Integrating Nephelometer ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CINF', cinf ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CINB', cinb ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CINCB', cincb ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CINCF', cincf ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CING', cing ncdf_varget, fptr, 'CINSIG', cinsig ncdf_varget, fptr, 'DPXC', dpxc ncdf_varget, fptr, 'RSTB', rstb ncdf_varget, fptr, 'IRTC', irtc ncdf_varget, fptr, 'IRBC', irbc ncdf_close, fptr data = {tsec:tsec[tptr:tptr+length], c_cn:c_cn[tptr:tptr+length], $ c_pcasp:c_pcasp[tptr:tptr+length], w:w[tptr:tptr+length], $ s_pcasp:s_pcasp[*,tptr:tptr+length], $ c_fssp100:c_fssp100[tptr:tptr+length], z:z[tptr:tptr+length], $ s_fssp100:s_fssp100[*,tptr:tptr+length], $ c_260X:c_260X[tptr:tptr+length], $ s_260X:s_260X[*,tptr:tptr+length], $ lon:lon[tptr:tptr+length], lat:lat[tptr:tptr+length], $ glon:glon[tptr:tptr+length], glat:glat[tptr:tptr+length], $ uic:uic[tptr:tptr+length], vic:vic[tptr:tptr+length], $ wic:wic[tptr:tptr+length], wsc:wsc[tptr:tptr+length], $ atx:atx[tptr:tptr+length], rhum:rhum[tptr:tptr+length], $ glwc:glwc[tptr:tptr+length], theta:theta[tptr:tptr+length], $ thetae:thetae[tptr:tptr+length], wdc:wdc[tptr:tptr+length], $ r:r[tptr:tptr+length], klwc:klwc[tptr:tptr+length], $ p:p[tptr:tptr+length], c_fssp300:c_fssp300[tptr:tptr+length], $ s_fssp300:s_fssp300[*,tptr:tptr+length], $ f100lwc:f100lwc[tptr:tptr+length], geff:geff[tptr:tptr+length], $ f100mpd:f100mpd[tptr:tptr+length], cinf:cinf[tptr:tptr+length], $ cinb:cinb[tptr:tptr+length], cincf:cincf[tptr:tptr+length], $ cincb:cincb[tptr:tptr+length], cing:cing[tptr:tptr+length], $ cinsig:cinsig[tptr:tptr+length], gsfc:gsfc[tptr:tptr+length], $ c_2dc:c_2dc[tptr:tptr+length], thdg:thdg[tptr:tptr+length], $ s_2dc:s_2dc[*, tptr:tptr+length], dpxc:dpxc[tptr:tptr+length], $ rstb:rstb[tptr:tptr+length], klwc1:klwc1[tptr:tptr+length], $ irbc:irbc[tptr:tptr+length], irtc:irtc[tptr:tptr+length]} return, ptr_new(data) end function DYCOMSAnalysis::Get2D, info, names = names fptr = ncdf_open(info.datafile, /nowrite) timeid = ncdf_dimid(fptr, 'Time') ncdf_diminq, fptr, timeid, name, time ncdf_varget, fptr, 'HOUR', hour ncdf_varget, fptr, 'MINUTE', minute ncdf_varget, fptr, 'SECOND', second ncdf_varget, fptr, 'time_offset', tsec startl = info.start_hh*long(60)*long(60) + info.start_min*long(60) + $ info.start_sec endl = info.end_hh*long(60)*long(60) + info.end_min*long(60) + info.end_sec start_flight = hour(0)*long(60)^2+minute(0)*60^1+second(0)*60^0 tptr = startl-start_flight length = endl-startl data = ptrarr(n_elements(names)) for i = 1, n_elements(names) do begin ncdf_varget, fptr, names[i-1], variable if names[i-1] eq 'time_offset' then $ variable = variable + start_flight variable = reform(variable) data[i-1] = ptr_new(variable[*,tptr:tptr+length]) endfor ncdf_close, fptr return, ptr_new(data) end function DYCOMSAnalysis::GetPcaspBins pcasp_x = [0.09, 0.1, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 0.14, 0.15, 0.16, 0.17, 0.1, 0.2, $ 0.22, 0.24, 0.26, 0.28, 0.3, $ 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, $ 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3.0] ; pcasp_x = [0.116, 0.137, 0.145, 0.155, 0.165, 0.175, 0.186, 0.194, 0.205, $ ; 0.217, 0.239, 0.263, 0.292, 0.323, 0.356, 0.500, 0.690, 0.800, $ ; 0.970, 1.200, 1.470, 1.720, 2.000, 2.250, 2.500, 2.760, 3.000, $ ; 3.250, 3.350, 3.500, 3.750] return, pcasp_x end function DYCOMSAnalysis::GetPcaspMidpoints pcasp_x = self -> GetPcaspBins() midpoints = fltarr(n_elements(pcasp_x)-1) for i = 0, 29 do begin midpoints[i] = pcasp_x[i] + (pcasp_x[i+1] - pcasp_x[i])/2 endfor return, midpoints end function DYCOMSAnalysis::GetPcaspSpectralDensity, spectrum pcasp_x = self -> GetPcaspBins() for i = 0, 29 do begin spectrum[i] = spectrum[i]/alog10(pcasp_x[i+1]/pcasp_x[i]) endfor return, spectrum end function DYCOMSAnalysis::GetPcaspSS, type = type, epsilon=epsilon d = self -> GetPcaspMidpoints() * 1E-6 SS = fltarr(30) for i = 0, 29 do begin aerosol = obj_new('particle', 298.15, 1013E2, 1.0, /equilibrium, $ dry_diameter=d[i], type=type, epsilon=epsilon) SS[i] = ( aerosol -> critical_supersaturation() -1 ) * 100 obj_destroy, aerosol endfor return, SS end function DYCOMSAnalysis::GetCPCSS, type = type, epsilon=epsilon d = 7E-9 aerosol = obj_new('particle', 298.15, 650E2, 1.0, /equilibrium, $ dry_diameter=d, type=type, epsilon=epsilon) SS = (aerosol -> critical_supersaturation() - 1) * 100 obj_destroy, aerosol return, SS end function DYCOMSAnalysis::GetRDMAData, info, type = type, epsilon = epsilon fptr = 1 rdmapath = '/disk1/data/dycoms/rdma/' filename = rdmapath + '181rf0' + strmid(,0,1) + '.rdma' startl = info.start_hh*long(60)*long(60) + info.start_min*long(60) + $ info.start_sec endl = info.end_hh*long(60)*long(60) + info.end_min*long(60) + info.end_sec diam = 62 data = fltarr(200) tsec = fltarr(1000) ss = fltarr(diam) dNdlog10D = fltarr(diam, 1000) ctot = fltarr(1000) concentration = fltarr(1000, diam) openr, fptr, filename str = ' ' n = 0 while not eof(fptr) do begin readf, fptr, str c = strtok(str, ' ', /extract) s = strtok(c[1], ':', /extract) tsec[n] = s[0]*60L^2 + s[1]*60L + s[2] for i = 2, n_elements(c)-1 do data[i-2] = double(c[i]) case c[0] of 'cnup' : begin D_up = data[64:125] dlog10D = alog(D_up[1]/D_up[0]) dNdlog10D[0:61,n] = data[2:63] for j = 0, 61 do ctot[n] = ctot[n] + dNdlog10D[j,n]*dlog10D end 'cndn' : begin D_dn = data[64:125] dNdlog10D[0:61,n] = data[2:63] for j = 0, 61 do begin if j le 60 then dlog10D = alog10(D_dn[j]/D_dn[j+1]) ctot[n] = ctot[n] + dNdlog10D[j,n]*dlog10D print, ctot[n], dlog10D endfor end else : endcase print, c[0], c[2], tsec[n], n_elements(c) n = n + 1 stop endwhile close, fptr stop d[*] = c[0,*] spectra[m:m+rows-2, *] = c[1:rows-1, *] m = m + rows-1 ; timestr = strtok(times, /extract) ; for j = 1, rows-1 do begin ; if tsec[n] gt startl and tsec[n] lt endl then begin ; average[0:diam-1] = average[0:diam-1] + c[j,0:diam-1] ; av_count = av_count + 1 ; endif n = n +1 average = average/av_count if strmid(info.rdmafile[1], 9,2) eq 'up' then begin for i = 0, diam-2 do average[i] = average[i] * alog(d[i+1]/d[i]) for i = 0, diam-2 do spectra[*,i] = spectra[*,i] *alog(d[i+1]/d[i]) endif else begin for i = 0, diam-2 do average[i] = average[i] * alog(d[i]/d[i+1]) for i = 0, diam-2 do spectra[*,i] = spectra[*,i] *alog(d[i]/d[i+1]) endelse for i = 0, diam-2 do begin aerosol = obj_new('particle', 298.15, 650E2, 1.0, /equilibrium, $ dry_diameter=d[i]*1E-9, type=type, epsilon=epsilon) ss[i] = ( aerosol -> critical_supersaturation() -1 ) * 100 obj_destroy, aerosol if strmid(info.rdmafile[1], 9,2) eq 'up' then begin crdma[i] = total(average[i:diam-2]) endif else begin crdma[i] = total(average[diam-i-2:diam-2]) endelse endfor rdma = {d:d, ss:ss, tsec:tsec, conc:conc, mean_conc:mean_conc, $ dNdlog10D:dNdlog10D, dNdlnD:dNdlnD, count:count} return, ptr_new(rdma) end function DYCOMSAnalysis::FlightLeg, name=name path = '/disk1/data/dycoms/ccn/processed/' path1 = '/disk1/data/dycoms/1hz/final/' rdmapath = '/disk1/data/dycoms/rdma/RDMA_data/' case name of '1_c_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(8) start_min = long(20) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(9) end_min = long(25) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '1_c_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(10) start_min = long(38) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(11) end_min = long(38) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '1_b_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(9) start_min = long(30) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(10) end_min = long(30) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '1_s_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(12) start_min = long(30) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(13) end_min = long(0) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '1_s_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(13) start_min = long(0) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(13) end_min = long(30) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '1_a_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 11L & start_min = 46L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 12L & end_min = 14L & end_sec = 0L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul10/' radfile = '' end '1_sn_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 8L & start_min = 11L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 8L & end_min = 20L & end_sec = 0L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul10/' radfile = '' end '1_sn_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 8L & start_min = 51L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 8L & end_min = 55L & end_sec = 45L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul10/' radfile = '' end '1_sn_3' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 9L & start_min = 25L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 9L & end_min = 30L & end_sec = 0L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul10/' radfile = '' end '1_sn_4' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 10L & start_min = 31L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 10L & end_min = 38L & end_sec = 0L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul10/' radfile = '' end '1_sn_5' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 11L & start_min = 37L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 11L & end_min = 44L & end_sec = 0L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul10/' radfile = '' end '1_sn_6' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 12L & start_min = 15L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 12L & end_min = 27L & end_sec = 0L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul10/' radfile = '' end '1_sn_7' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 13L & start_min = 31L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 13L & end_min = 35L & end_sec = 0L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul10/' radfile = '' end '1_sn_8' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf01.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf01.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 13L & start_min = 31L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 13L & end_min = 35L & end_sec = 0L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul10/' radfile = '' end '2_t' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 8L & start_min = 50L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 15L & end_min = 0L & end_sec = 0L radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '2_c_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(8) start_min = long(50) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(9) end_min = long(50) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '2_c_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(11) start_min = long(10) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(12) end_min = long(10) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '2_c_3' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(12) start_min = long(55) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(13) end_min = long(25) end_sec = long(1) radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul11/' radfile = '' end '2_b_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(10) start_min = long(0) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(11) end_min = long(0) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '2_s_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(13) start_min = long(30) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(14) end_min = long(0) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '2_a_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 12L & start_min = 17L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 12L & end_min = 50L & end_sec = 0L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul11/' radfile = '' end '2_sn_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 8L & start_min = 29L & start_sec = 30L end_hh = 8L & end_min = 45L & end_sec = 45L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul11/' radfile = '' end '2_sn_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 9L & start_min = 51L & start_sec = 30L end_hh = 9L & end_min = 58L & end_sec = 40L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul11/' radfile = '' end '2_sn_3' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 11L & start_min = 3L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 11L & end_min = 7L & end_sec = 40L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul11/' radfile = '' end '2_sn_4' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 12L & start_min = 12L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 12L & end_min = 17L & end_sec = 40L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul11/' radfile = '' end '2_sn_5' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 12L & start_min = 50L & start_sec = 30L end_hh = 12L & end_min = 53L & end_sec = 35L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul11/' radfile = '' end '2_sn_6' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 13L & start_min = 23L & start_sec = 30L end_hh = 13L & end_min = 29L & end_sec = 30L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul11/' radfile = '' end '2_sn_7' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf02.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf02.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 14L & start_min = 3L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 14L & end_min = 7L & end_sec = 0L radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul11/' radfile = '' end '3_c_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(8) start_min = long(25) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(9) end_min = long(25) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '3_c_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(10) start_min = long(5) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(11) end_min = long(5) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '3_c_3' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(12) start_min = long(20) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(12) end_min = long(50) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '3_b_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(9) start_min = long(30) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(10) end_min = long(0) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '3_s_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(13) start_min = long(0) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(14) end_min = long(0) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '3_a_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 11L & start_min = 12L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 11L & end_min = 43L & end_sec = 0L radfile = '' radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul13/' end '3_sn_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 8L & start_min = 19L & start_sec = 10L end_hh = 8L & end_min = 24L & end_sec = 15L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '3_sn_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 9L & start_min = 25L & start_sec = 42L end_hh = 9L & end_min = 29L & end_sec = 16L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '3_sn_3' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 10L & start_min = 00L & start_sec = 31L end_hh = 10L & end_min = 04L & end_sec = 12L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '3_sn_4' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 11L & start_min = 06L & start_sec = 51L end_hh = 11L & end_min = 12L & end_sec = 0L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '3_sn_5' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 11L & start_min = 44L & start_sec = 30L end_hh = 11L & end_min = 49L & end_sec = 30L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '3_sn_5' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 11L & start_min = 44L & start_sec = 30L end_hh = 11L & end_min = 49L & end_sec = 30L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '3_sn_6' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 12L & start_min = 13L & start_sec = 50L end_hh = 12L & end_min = 20L & end_sec = 10L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '3_sn_7' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 12L & start_min = 54L & start_sec = 40L end_hh = 12L & end_min = 56L & end_sec = 47L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '3_sn_8' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf03.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf03.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 14L & start_min = 00L & start_sec = 23L end_hh = 14L & end_min = 02L & end_sec = 27L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '4_c_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf04.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf04.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(8) start_min = long(40) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(9) end_min = long(40) end_sec = long(1) radfile = '' radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul13/' end '4_c_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf04.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf04.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(11) start_min = long(30) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(12) end_min = long(30) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '4_b_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf04.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf04.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(9) start_min = long(50) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(10) end_min = long(50) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '4_s_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf04.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf04.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(13) start_min = long(5) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(13) end_min = long(35) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '4_a_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf04.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf04.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 10L & start_min = 57L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 11L & end_min = 24L & end_sec = 0L radfile = '' radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul17/' end '4_sn_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf04.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf04.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 8L & start_min = 19L & start_sec = 15L end_hh = 8L & end_min = 32L & end_sec = 42L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '4_sn_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf04.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf04.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 9L & start_min = 40L & start_sec = 02L end_hh = 9L & end_min = 48L & end_sec = 30L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '4_sn_3' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf04.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf04.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 10L & start_min = 49L & start_sec = 50L end_hh = 10L & end_min = 58L & end_sec = 37L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '4_sn_4' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf04.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf04.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 11L & start_min = 25L & start_sec = 20L end_hh = 11L & end_min = 27L & end_sec = 50L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '4_sn_5' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf04.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf04.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 12L & start_min = 58L & start_sec = 34L end_hh = 13L & end_min = 05L & end_sec = 00L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '4_sn_6' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf04.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf04.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 13L & start_min = 41L & start_sec = 48L end_hh = 13L & end_min = 44L & end_sec = 47L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '4_t' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf04.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf04.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 8L & start_min = 0L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 14L & end_min = 0L & end_sec = 0L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '5_t' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(8) start_min = long(0) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(14) end_min = long(0) end_sec = long(0) radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '5_c_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(8) start_min = long(20) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(9) end_min = long(15) end_sec = long(1) radfile = '' radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul18/' end '5_c_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(11) start_min = long(5) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(12) end_min = long(2) end_sec = long(1) radfile = '' radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul18/' end '5_c_3' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(12) start_min = long(35) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(13) end_min = long(0) end_sec = long(1) radfile = '' radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul18/' end '5_b_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(9) start_min = long(25) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(10) end_min = long(25) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '5_s_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(13) start_min = long(5) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(13) end_min = long(49) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '5_a_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 10L & start_min = 27L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 10L & end_min = 57L & end_sec = 0L radfile = '' radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul18/' end '5_sn_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 8L & start_min = 09L & start_sec = 24L end_hh = 8L & end_min = 17L & end_sec = 49L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '5_sn_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 9L & start_min = 17L & start_sec = 56L end_hh = 9L & end_min = 24L & end_sec = 10L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '5_sn_3' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 10L & start_min = 24L & start_sec = 38L end_hh = 10L & end_min = 28L & end_sec = 52L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '5_sn_4' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 10L & start_min = 58L & start_sec = 40L end_hh = 11L & end_min = 00L & end_sec = 37L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '5_sn_5' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 13L & start_min = 00L & start_sec = 00L end_hh = 13L & end_min = 04L & end_sec = 31L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '5_sn_6' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf05.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf05.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 13L & start_min = 49L & start_sec = 10L end_hh = 13L & end_min = 51L & end_sec = 40L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '6_t' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf06.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf06.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 7L & start_min = 0L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 14L & end_min = 0 & end_sec = 0L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '7_c_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(8) start_min = long(53) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(9) end_min = long(53) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '7_c_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(11) start_min = long(40) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(12) end_min = long(10) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '7_c_3' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(12) start_min = long(12) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(12) end_min = long(42) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '7_b_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(10) start_min = long(0) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(11) end_min = long(0) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '7_s_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(13) start_min = long(10) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(14) end_min = long(10) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '7_a_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 11L & start_min = 05L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 11L & end_min = 35L & end_sec = 0L radfile = '' radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul24/' end '7_sn_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 08L & start_min = 39L & start_sec = 11L end_hh = 08L & end_min = 51L & end_sec = 07L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '7_sn_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 09L & start_min = 53L & start_sec = 21L end_hh = 09L & end_min = 59L & end_sec = 35L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '7_sn_3' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 11L & start_min = 02L & start_sec = 23L end_hh = 11L & end_min = 06L & end_sec = 37L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '7_sn_4' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 11L & start_min = 36L & start_sec = 27L end_hh = 11L & end_min = 39L & end_sec = 05L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '7_sn_5' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 12L & start_min = 41L & start_sec = 43L end_hh = 12L & end_min = 47L & end_sec = 15L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '7_sn_6' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 13L & start_min = 00L & start_sec = 19L end_hh = 13L & end_min = 05L & end_sec = 28L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '7_sn_7' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf07.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf07.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 14L & start_min = 10L & start_sec = 01L end_hh = 14L & end_min = 12L & end_sec = 30L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '8_c_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(22) start_min = long(15) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(22) end_min = long(45) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '8_c_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(22) start_min = long(47) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(23) end_min = long(17) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '8_c_m' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(22) start_min = long(15) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(23) end_min = long(17) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '8_c_3' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(23) start_min = long(57) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(24) end_min = long(27) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '8_c_4' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(26) start_min = long(12) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(26) end_min = long(32) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '8_c_5' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(26) start_min = long(45) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(27) end_min = long(38) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '8_b_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(23) start_min = long(25) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(23) end_min = long(55) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '8_s_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = long(25) start_min = long(38) start_sec = long(0) end_hh = long(26) end_min = long(8) end_sec = long(1) radfile = ' ' & radpath = ' ' end '8_a_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 24L & start_min = 33L & start_sec = 0L end_hh = 25L & end_min = 03L & end_sec = 0L radfile = '' radpath = '/net/fox/fox1/WCR/DYCOMS01_ncp/jul25/' end '8_t' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 19L & start_min = 45L & start_sec = 26L end_hh = 28L & end_min = 59L & end_sec = 59L radfile = '' radpath = '' end '8_sn_1' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 22L & start_min = 06L & start_sec = 12L end_hh = 22L & end_min = 13L & end_sec = 23L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '8_sn_2' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 23L & start_min = 18L & start_sec = 54L end_hh = 23L & end_min = 24L & end_sec = 51L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '8_sn_3' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 23L & start_min = 54L & start_sec = 30L end_hh = 23L & end_min = 56L & end_sec = 15L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '8_sn_4' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 24L & start_min = 27L & start_sec = 54L end_hh = 24L & end_min = 34L & end_sec = 15L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '8_sn_5' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 25L & start_min = 34L & start_sec = 33L end_hh = 25L & end_min = 38L & end_sec = 15L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '8_sn_6' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 26L & start_min = 08L & start_sec = 45L end_hh = 26L & end_min = 11L & end_sec = 32L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '8_sn_7' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 26L & start_min = 40L & start_sec = 14L end_hh = 26L & end_min = 44L & end_sec = 15L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end '8_sn_8' : begin ccn_file1 = path+'out_255_1_181rf08.dat' ccn_file2 = path+'out_255_2_181rf08.dat' datafile = path1 + '' start_hh = 27L & start_min = 39L & start_sec = 49L end_hh = 27L & end_min = 45L & end_sec = 39L radfile = '' & radpath = '' end endcase leg_description = { filename108:ccn_file1, filename104:ccn_file2, $ start_hh:start_hh, start_min:start_min, $ start_sec:start_sec, $ end_hh:end_hh, end_min:end_min, end_sec:end_sec, $ datafile:datafile, name:name, radfile:radfile, $ radpath:radpath} return, leg_description end pro DYCOMSAnalysis__define struct = { DYCOMSAnalysis, Data:0} end