Case study of a cold-front-dryline merger on May 24th 2002 during IHOP

Tim Trudel

University of Wyoming

MS Defense

The processes that produce deep moist convection were investigated in the southern plains, which is an area often threatened by severe weather during the spring and early summer months.  This study presents analysis of data taken on 24 May 2002, which was one of the most active days of IHOP.  The focus is on a strong cold front and its interaction with a dryline on the Texas-Oklahoma border.  Synoptic and mesoscale conditions related to the initiation of deep convection are described.  Observations from mobile mesonet probes, Wyoming Cloud Radar, soundings, and radars are used to describe temperature, humidity, airflow, and instability across radar detected fine-line boundaries. 

Since the cold front was moving much faster than the dryline, the cold front and dryline collided.  This “merger” process started further north on the Texas panhandle and progressed southeast during the day.  The triple point, visible on Doppler radar, marked the approximate position where the merger process took place.  The relatively cold dense air mass behind the cold front lifted the dry air associated with the dryline along with the moist air ahead of the dryline.  Shortly after the merger, severe weather developed near the Texas-Oklahoma border ahead of the cold front and moved eastward.

Deep mesoscale lift can rapidly reduce convection inhibition and increase convective available potential energy of the environment so that the relatively stable environment changes to one conducive for deep convection.  This release of potential instability (i.e. the erosion of the cap inversion) resulted in a fountain of thermals reaching the level of free convection, culminating in organized deep convection.