Microwave radiation of a cloudy atmosphere

Dr. Boris G. Kutuza, Institute of Radio Engineering & Electronics

Moscow, Russia

          It is shown that under conditions of Rayleigh scattering, the temperature dependence of millimeter and centimeter cloud absorption depends on the Debye parameter, which is characterized by the water molecule relaxation time . Experimental data aboutwere obtained from measurement of solar emission at the wavelengths of 0.4, 0.8, and 1.6 cm for different temperatures including the region below the freezing level. Equations for the absorption coefficient are given for isothermic and nonisothermic clouds.


            We demonstrate the theoretical influence of different cloud characteristics (temperature, liquid water content, water vapor, cloud depth) on atmospheric downwelling radiation and upwelling radiation of the ocean-atmosphere system. The difference in spectral characteristics of water vapor, non-precipitating clouds and rain radiation as well as polarization of rain radiation permit to use the microwave radiometric data for determination of integral atmospheric parameters. The results of determination of liquid water content in clouds and total water vapor mass by means of brightness temperature measured from ground, aircraft and satellite are discussed. 


            Microwave attenuation and emission of rain will be discussed. Experimental data about the dual polarization of the rain thermal microwave emission due to drop deformation are presented. Also, the third Stokes parameter of rain microwave emission will have measurable values under certain conditions. Passive measurements of rain show that the third Stokes parameter reaches values of about 1-2% of the first Stokes parameter.