Investigating the left tail of the droplet size distribution using PDF methods

Dr. Christopher Jeffrey, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Atmospheric Science Faculty Candidate


Determination of the evolution of a parcel of moist air and droplets undergoing turbulent convection, molecular diffusion and condensation/evaporation is a challenging problem involving a range of spatial and temporal scales.  Moment formulations suffer from the well-known closure problem that information about statistical moments of every order is needed to have closed non-linear advection terms.  In addition, condensation/evaporation introduces a new closure problem where the Eulerian evaluation of the average droplet radius appears in the advection-diffusion equation for relative humidity (RH) but is not easily evaluated.


Probability density function (PDF) methods offer a distinct advantage over moment approaches since non-linear reaction terms like evaporation are more easily evaluated.  An equation for the evolution of RH can be written in terms of either the conditional Laplacian or the conditional dissipation if the PDF is spatially homogeneous. However, evaluation of either statistic using a Gaussian mixing assumption leads to unphysical behaviour in the evolution of the scalar PDF unless the PDF is strictly Gaussian itself. 


In this study I use a technique called "mapping closure" (Chen et al., PRL, 1989) to evaluate the conditional Laplacian in the PDF-equation for RH that does not suffer from the deficiencies of a purely Gaussian closure.  The turbulent mixing of moist and dry air is studied and a universal limit identified where the RH-PDF evolution is only a function of the Damkohler number (Da)--- the ratio of turbulent and reactive time scales.  The spirited debate over the nature of turbulent mixing in clouds is then revisited [see references below], and I demonstrate that the neither the limits of "homogeneous mixing" (small Da) nor "inhomogeneous mixing" (large Da) produce maximal dispersion in the left tail of the droplet size distribution.  Rather a Da of order one is required.  Observational measurements required to validate this prediction are suggested.




1) Baker et al., "The influence of entrainment on the evolution of

   cloud droplet spectra:  I. A model of inhomogeneous mixing", QJRMS,

   106, 581, 1980


2) Telford et al., "Entrainment at cloud tops and droplet spectra",

   JAS, 41, 3170, 1984


3) Paluch & Knight, "Mixing and evolution of cloud droplet size

   spectra in a vigorous continental cumulus", JAS, 41, 1801, 1984


4) Chai et al., "Comments", JAS, 42, 753, 1985


5) Paluch & Knight, "Reply", JAS, 42, 758, 1985


6) Paluch & Knight, "Does mixing promote cloud droplet growth", JAS,

   43, 1994, 1986


7) Telford, "Comments", JAS, 44, 2352, 1987


8) Paluch & Knight, "Reply", JAS, 44, 2355, 1987