Numerical simulation of a convective cloud using a 1-D model with detailed microphysics

Lester Alfonso, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)

The design and performance of a one-dimensional Eulerian model with detailed microphysics will be described. The microphysical modules include activation, condensation and coalescence. This model has been coupled to an aqueous phase chemistry model, for the prediction of pH evolution as a function of droplet size. More recently an equation for the dynamical evolution of CCN distribution has been added to the model and the activation algorithm has been improved. The results of a numerical experiment will be discussed.

mixing ratio in the fair weather boundary layer over a mesoscale region: CASES-9


F. Burnet, Meteo France

Validation of airborne measurements of cloud microphysics and study of entrainment-mixing processes in convective clouds


B. Geerts, UWyo

TRMM vs EDOP : radar beam-filling by sub-grid scale echoes


J. Snider, UWyo

Lack of closure between aerosol and cloud droplets in ACE-2


D. Baumgardner, NCAR and Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Mexico City aerosols: their microphysical, optical and chemical properties and potential impact on regional environment

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