Specific weather topics

Mostly severe weather phenomena ...



Lightning and fires

Ø      ATSR World Fire Atlas Project, derived from ERS-2 ATSR-2, by ESA

Ø      JRC's World Fire Web, derived from NOAA AVHRR, by JRC

Ø      MODIS Thermal Anomalies, derived from MODIS, by NASA

Ø      Fire Monitoring Worldwide


Tropical cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons

*  All you ever wanted to know about tropical cyclones, by Chris Landsea, Hurricane Research Division

*  hurricanes !, a good educational site (mainly college level)

*  Images/movies of hurricanes, from NCDC

*  Hurricanes and climate change, by the US Global Change Research Program

*  current hurricanes in the Atlantic, from Florida State University

*  Current tropical cyclones globally, from the University of Hawaii

*  Current tropical cyclones globally, from the Naval Research Lab


Optical phenomena


Severe weather

HOME - Last update: October 21, 2002. Please email corrections and new sites to Bart Geerts