ATSC 2000 Fall 2000

Test 1      (15%)

Chapters covered: Ahrens, chap 1-2


A. Multiple choice questions (7.5%)

More than 1 answer can be correct.


1. What is the sequence of spheres composing the atmosphere?

a: tropo-, strato-, thermo- and meso- sphere;

b: tropo-, thermo-, meso- and strato- sphere;

c: tropo-, meso-, strato- and thermo- sphere;

d: tropo-, strato-, meso- and thermo- sphere.


2. The atmosphere of Venus consists mostly of:

a: nitrogen;

b: oxygen;

c: water vapor;

d: carbon dioxide.


3. The concentration of carbon dioxide (as a % of all molecules) in the atmosphere is about:

a: 35 %;

b: 3.5 %;

c: 0.35 %;

d: 0.035 %.


4. Which gas concentration varies the most in the troposphere:

a: water vapor;

b: carbon dioxide;

c: oxygen;

d: ozone.


5. The coldest layer in the lowest 50 km of the atmosphere is usually:

a: the stratopause;

b: the surface;

c: the stratosphere;

d: the tropopause.


6. The typical temperature lapse rate in the troposphere is:

a: 65 °C/km;

b: 6.5 °C/km;

c: 6.5 K/m;

d: -6.5 K/m.


7. A force exerted on a unit area is:

a: an energy;

b: a power;

c: a pressure;

d: a density.


8. Which one (or more) of the following statements apply to Laramie, in comparison with a place closer to sea level like Phoenix AZ :

a: people need to breath larger volumes of air;

b: the fuel-efficiency of cars is higher (other factors being the same);

c: the airport runway needs to be longer (for the same type of aircraft);

d: the proportion of ultra-violet radiation in sunshine is higher.


9. At what rate, approximately, does pressure decrease with height in the first few kilometers above sea level?

a: 1hPa / 10m.

b: 10hPa / m;

c: 1hPa / 100m;

d: 1hPa / m;


10. Around what wavelength is the solar radiation most intense (mm) is :

a: 0.1 mm (micrometer);

b: 0.5 mm;

c: 5 mm;

d: 10 mm.


11. Which of the following types of electromagnetic radiation has a wavelength longer than visible light ?

a: infrared;

b: ultraviolet;

c: X rays;

d: microwave (radar).


12. At what latitude is the noonday Sun directly overhead on 22nd of December?

a: the equator;

b: the Tropic of Capricorn (23ºS);

c: the Tropic of Cancer (23ºN);

d: the polar circle.


13. Which surface has the lowest albedo?

a: lush grass;

b: fresh snow;

c: asphalt road;

d: desert sand.


14. The Earth's planetary albedo is about:

a: 3%;

b: 10%;

c: 30%;

d: 90%.


15. The various forms of radiation that contribute to the net radiation of the Earth's surface are expressed in terms of

a: energy per unit area (J/m2);

b: power per unit area (W/m2);

c: energy per unit weight (J/kg);

d: power per unit weight (W/kg).


16. UV radiation from the Sun is mostly absorbed in:

a: clouds;

b: the mesosphere;

c: the stratosphere;

d: the troposphere.


17. In terms of radiation that can penetrate through the Earth's atmosphere, a window can be found (none, one or more of the following):

a: at wavelengths between 0.4 and 0.8 micrometer;

b: at wavelengths between 8 and 12 micrometer;

c: just above the troposphere, in the tropopause;

d: over Antarctica, due to the recent depletion of ozone by CFC's.


18. Which (one or more) of the following statements about the scattering of light is false?

a: Raleigh scattering causes blue skies and red sunsets;

b: Mie scattering of sunlight by cloud droplets gives the sky a gray appearance;

c: intense volcanic eruptions temporarily increase the planetary albedo of the Earth;

d: scattering only occurs in the forward and backward directions.


19. The natural greenhouse effect of the Earth's atmosphere results from:

a: the atmosphere's high absorption of shortwave radiation, compared to longwave radiation;

b: the higher transparency of the atmosphere in the visible spectrum, compared to infrared;

c: the presence of nitrogen and argon in the atmosphere;

d: the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide by mankind, due mainly to the burning of fossil fuels.


20. The Earth primarily emits the following radiation to space:

a: infrared;

b: visible light;

c: ultra-violet;

d: X rays.


B. Short answer questions (7.5%)


  1. A freak snowstorm occurs one afternoon in May in Laramie. The day had been sunny till the arrival of the storm. On what surface will the snow stick first, on a bare, rocky soil or a green lawn? Explain. (1%)

  2. An increase in global cloud cover would increase the Earth’s planetary albedo, but it would not necessarily cause global cooling at the surface. Why ? (1%)

  3. Near the stratopause the air temperature ranges between –10 to +10ºC, and the oxygen constitutes 21% of the air. These conditions are similar to those on the ground, for instance in Laramie in winter. Yet the stratopause is not a livable environment. Give two reasons why. (1%)

  4. Why is it that the radiation emitted by the Sun peaks at a shorter wavelength than that emitted by the Earth? (1%)

  5. Define a front as depicted on surface weather charts. (1%)

  6. Laramie is higher in elevation than Billings MT yet auroras are seen more frequently in Billings. Explain. (1%)

  7. If the Earth’s atmosphere did not have water vapor, how would the planetary albedo and the surface temperature differ? (1%)

  8. How can latent heat be transported by the atmosphere? (0.5%)



Please do not look at the answers below until you have attempted ALL questions

ATSC 2000 test 1: Answers


A.                 MC questions.

1. d

2. d

3. d

4. a

5. d

6. b

7. c

8. all of a-d

9. a

10. b

11. a and d

12. b

13. c

14. c

15. b

16. c

17. a and b

18. d

19. b

20. a


B.                 Short-answer questions


1.      Snow will stick first on the lawn because less heat is conducted from the ground below to the surface: the thermal conductivity of a layer of grass is less than that of a rocky soil (0.75%). Also, a green lawn surface is not a warm during the daytime than a rocky soil, because proportionally more latent heat is emitted from a green lawn (0.25%).

2.      Because clouds will decrease not only the net shortwave radiation received, but also the net long-wave radiation lost (1%).

3.      (1) the air pressure is too low to breathe; (2) too much UV radiation, because the stratopause is above the ozone layer. (1%)(there may be other reasons ??)

4.      Because the sun is hotter than the earth (0.7%). Give extra credit (0.3%) if temperatures are mentioned (Sun: ~6000 K; Earth: ~300 K) or if Wien’s law is mentioned (l~1/T)

5.      A front separates air masses of different temperature (1%)

6.      Billings is further north than Laramie, ie closer to the magnetic north pole. Auroras are most common 20-30 degrees from the magnetic north pole. (1%)

7.      The planetary albedo would be lower (no clouds), and the surface temperature lower (because water vapor is a greenhouse gas). Clouds do affect the surface temperature, but the absence of clouds would have a small effect compared to the absence of water vapor.(1%)

8.      for instance: latent heat is created as liquid water evaporates; it is transported as water vapor, and it is released when the vapor condenses.(0.5%)