Coastal Stratus 1999
Preliminary ascii data files.

The list below provides links to the data files for each flight day. The files contain latitude, longitude, altitude, temperature, liquid water content and equivalent radius. Small variations from day to day, due to instrument availability are listed in the readme files for each day. Files are up to 60 kB in size; it is advisable to capture them thruogh the approriate browser commands (SHIFT+left-mouse-botton in Netscape).

990809    readme file

990810 part 1    readme file

990810 part 2    readme file

990811    readme file

990816    readme file

990817    readme file

990819    readme file

990820    readme file

990821    readme file

990823    readme file

990824 morning flight    readme file

9908024 afternoon flight    readme file

990825    readme file

990826    readme file

990828    readme file

990829    readme file