Photos can be viewed by following the links below. Once the preview pages are displayed, left clicking on a selected image will yield a larger image in a new browser window. Use the back botton to return to the album page. The images have been reduced in size for rapid viewing on the screen. A copy of this reduced image can be captured by right-clicking on the image and saving it as 'filename.jpg'. If you'd like a copy of the image at the full resolution of the original (approx. 1000x800 pixels) please send a request to me by email (vali@uwyo.edu) noting the number of the picture (such as Pxxxxxxx). Also, I have the time (to the nearest second) and other data about each frame, if that is useful for some analysis of the images.


            dec09             dec10             dec13             dec17             dec19             jan05             jan09             jan11             jan14             jan16             jan17             jan18             jan19             jan23             jan24