draft text - Oct 8, 1998

ICE - Nucleation Working Group
  ****Discussion Topics****

W6. What laboratory experiments make sense as complements - in
preparation and in evaluation - to the field experiment?

Wave clouds offer one of the best opportunities for making direct comparisons between atmospheric observations of cloud microphysics and laboratory experiments. The wave cloud forming process is forced ascent of stably stratified air. Dissipation occurs as the air descends. Vertical mixing is strongly suppressed, and the airflow is smooth, steady, primarily horizontal and isentropic. Gradients of scalar atmospheric properties along the isentropes are generally small (temperature, humidity, aerosols, etc.). The laboratory analog is cloud formation in a steady expansion (pressure reduction) and cloud dissipation in smooth compression. The conceptual picture of air continually flowing into the upstream edge of the cloud and out the downstream edge, with air parcels spending a few hundred seconds in cloud is supported by many field studies. This picture suggests that parcel theory should provide an accurate representation of the microphysics. To the extent that the important variables can be identified and accurately simulated, laboratory experiments will reproduce the fundamental processes of droplet and ice formation and growth. A variety of laboratory experiments should be performed. Some experiments address the question that lab and aircraft measurements are equivalent. For example, airborne instruments and sampling methods for measuring droplets can be inherently different from those used in the lab. The differences might impose systematic biases that confound lab - aircraft comparisons. Any such differences should be characterized. The ultimate goal of the lab experiments is testing the basic scientific understanding of the microphysics in cloud forming and dissipating processes. In the following table, the experiments are listed according to increasing complexity, where "complexity" refers to the amount of information needed to describe the variables. It does not necessarily refer to the difficulty of performing the experiment. The first experiments are cloud formation on monodisperse CCN of simple chemistry. The last experiments involve mixed phase clouds with natural aerosol. The primary response variables are identified and must be measurable in both the field and lab studies.
Experiment Description Primary Measurements Variables
water cloud formation on artificial CCN CCN spectra, haze and cloud drop concentration, particle size distribution
CCN chemistry, size distribution, concentration, cloud point temperature and pressure, updraft speed
water cloud evaporation same same
water cloud formation/evaporation same internally and externally mixed aerosol
same same natural air
mixed phase cloud, RH<100%, homogeneous freezing same, plus ice crystals artificial CCN properties
same, rh>100% same same
mixed phase cloud, RH<100%, heterogeneous freezing same, plus IN spectra (T,SS) artificial CCN properties
artificial IN chemistry
natural air, RH<100% same natural air
mixed phase cloud, RH>100% same natural air
As part of this research, detailed microphysical modeling should
be performed for the field observations and the laboratory experiments.
These modeling studies are important for planning the lab studies, for
identifying the important measurements, linking the airborne and
laboratory observations, and testing fundamental understanding and

What about other possible factors, such as electrical charge, time
scale (residence time), trace organic components, gases, etc. ?  
What are the biggest obstacles, such as detecting ice at small sizes ?  
What laboratory facilities and equipment are currently available to perform
such experiments ? Should these be identified ?  
And what capabilities must be developed ?